Complaints & Appeals Policy

Policy Outline

Master Builders Queensland is committed to providing quality education to all our students. All complaints and every appeal brought to the RTO’s attention will be treated as an extremely important matter. Master Builders Queensland will ensure that all complaints and appeals are dealt with professionally and in a fair and equitable manner. Communication between  Master Builders Queensland and our students is essential, and it is important that students approach us if they have any questions or concerns. Prior to lodging a complaint or appeal, students are strongly encouraged to read the appropriate policy relating to the issue or complaint they may have. Master Builders Queensland will always provide our students with an opportunity to present their cases for complaint or appeal to us at minimal or no cost to the student.

A student may feel the need to raise a complaint when they are dissatisfied with an aspect of the services provided by Master Builders Queensland. For example, a student may complain  if they believe that they have been treated unfairly by a member of staff, or that their educational provider  has not correctly adhered to their guidelines and codes of conduct. Further, a student may wish to lodge an appeal when they are not satisfied with a decision that has been made by Master Builders Queensland. Appeals may include, but are not limited to:

  • Being refused admission to a course
  • Course fees and due dates
  • Assessment decisions
  • Being reported for failure to meet course progress requirements; and/or
  • Cancellation of enrolment.

If a student has a complaint or wishes to make an appeal, they may access the following process to address their concerns.

Complaints: informal stage

At the initial stage of any complaint, the student should immediately communicate directly to the relevant Master Builders Queensland staff member. For example, if a student believes they have been treated unfairly in class, the student should first approach their Trainer to discuss their concerns. If the student is uncomfortable with discussing the issue with their Trainer, they may choose to approach the Course Coordinator who completed their enrolment.

If the student is still dissatisfied with the response of their informal complaint, they may initiate a formal complaint with the Training Manager.

Complaints: formal stage

Students wishing to access the Master Builders Queensland formal complaints and appeals process must first access the informal complaints and appeals process. Should this informal process prove unable to resolve the issues at hand, the student may proceed to the formal complaint process. All formal complaints must be made in writing using the Complaints and Appeals Form. A record  of any complaint will be retained and recorded by Master Builders Queensland. A copy of the Complaints and Appeals Form may be obtained from our website or from our Training Department. The internal complaints and appeals processes may be accessed by Master Builders Queensland students free of charge.

The formal complaint or appeal will be directed to the member of Master Builders Queensland staff judged to be most suitable to manage the case. This member of staff shall also act as a point of contact for the student. This member of staff  must not be involved (or have previously been involved) in the complaint or appeal at hand. The complaint or appeal will be assessed by this person together with a selected panel of staff/persons, including but not necessarily limited to:

  • The Training Manager
  • Members of Master Builders Queensland’s teaching staff
  • Members of Master Builders Queensland’s training team
  • An independent third party.

Complaints procedure

Upon receipt of the formal complaint or appeal, the managing staff member will make all reasonable efforts to investigate, resolve and put appropriate corrective/preventive action in place within seven (7) working days from receipt of the written complaint or appeal.

If a student accesses Master Builders Queensland’s complaints and appeals processes, the student will remain enrolled as a student while the complaints and appeals process is ongoing.

The student will be given an opportunity to present their case for complaint to the panel. The student may choose one person to accompany them to this meeting as a support person. If applicable, the relevant staff member involved in the complaint and appeal will also be given an opportunity to present their case to the panel. This staff member may also choose one person to accompany them to this meeting as a support person. The complaints panel will then discuss and assess the complaint in order to attempt to reach an objective and fair decision as possible and practicable. The member of staff managing the complaint will then communicate the panel’s decision, in writing, to all parties within five (5) working days of making its decision. The complaints and appeals process may take up to twenty (20) working days to complete.

Appeals procedure

If the student is dissatisfied with Master Builders Queensland’s response to and the decision regarding their complaint, the student may appeal the decision. Again, this must be done in writing using the Complaints and Appeals Form.

Upon receipt of the appeal, the managing staff member will make all reasonable efforts to investigate, resolve and to ensure all appropriate corrective/preventive action/s are in place, within seven (7) working days from receipt of the appeal. The member of staff managing the appeal will then communicate the outcome of the student’s appeal, in writing, to all parties within five (5) working days of the decision being made.

The appeals process may take up to twenty (20) working days to complete.

If at this point the student remains unsatisfied with the decisions made by Master Builders Queensland, or if the matter at hand is  unable to be addressed internally, the student may initiate an appeal to the Queensland Ombudsman, Students may also contact ASQA: or phone 1300 701 801. While Master Builders Queensland refers students to external agencies free of charge, students must personally and wholly bear the cost of any fees levied by external agencies.

If the internal or any external complaint handling or appeal process results in a decision that supports the student, Master Builders Queensland will immediately implement any decision and/or corrective and preventative action required and advise the student of the outcome.

Master Builders Queensland’s complaints and appeals policy does not negate the right of any student to pursue legal remedies. All decisions will be communicated in writing to relevant parties, all correspondence and documentation will be kept in the student file. Student’s accessing our Complaints and Appeals process are still considered a current student and must ensure that during this period that they still meet their course requirements.

RTO 30097

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