Understand your obligations and how to avoid the pitfalls of unfair dismissal

Exclusive to Master Builders' members, this short two-hour livestream course provides a practical overview of how to minimize the risks associated with disciplinary action and terminations.

This training workshop is for employers and their HR representatives.

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Why enrol?

Disciplining or dismissing or counselling employees can often be a daunting experience for fear of not ‘getting it right’ and subsequently being exposed to costly unfair dismissal claims.

The best remedy to management anxiety is the effective recruitment, training and performance review of employees. However, if termination is unavoidable, then it must be done with least exposure to litigation.

Course outline

This short livestream course sets to provide a practical overview of current legislation and your obligations as an employer in respect to:

  • Effectively managing probationary periods
  • Addressing performance issues with your staff
  • Dealing with terminations
  • Consultation obligations with regard to workplace change
  • Redundancy
  • Unfair Dismissal Applications
  • General Protections/Adverse Action Applications

Course detail

This course is made available exclusively to Master Builders members and their employees.

Duration Two hours
Delivery Livestream online interactive workshop
Cost Members: $99 (includes GST)
Outcome This is not a Nationally Recognised Training course.
You will receive a Statement of Completion.
Eligibility Candidates should be able to demonstrate a sufficient level of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills. All participants must also be members, or employees of members of Master Builders.

Enrol in an upcoming date


This is a Master Builders member-only course for $99 (Inc. GST). If you're eligible, find a date and location to enrol below. Need help? Give us a call on 1300 13 60 02.

Find dates & enrol

Terms & conditions

Please read Master Builders training and licensing policies and Student Handbook prior to enrolment.

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