Performance Management – Managing Employees

Effectively manage your people

This livestream interactive training course has been developed for leading hands, site managers, supervisors, project managers and anyone involved in managing people.

Designed specifically for the building industry, this short course provides the practical skills and knowledge required to effectively manage employee performance, including an overview of performance management and developing action plans.

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Why enrol?

This course has been shown to improve on-site communication and lift the performance of individuals and teams in managing building projects.

Course outline

This livestream workshop will:

  • Outline effective use of probationary periods
  • Explain the use of position descriptions in performance management
  • Provide handy hints of holding difficult conversations
  • Clarify your rights to manage your employee
  • Bust some myths around warnings and termination.

Course details

This course is made available exclusively to Master Builders members and their employees.

Duration Two-and-a-half hours
Delivery Livestream online interactive workshop

Member: $99 (includes GST)

OutcomeThis is not a Nationally Recognised Training course.
You will receive a Statement of Completion.

All participants must also be members, or employees of members of Master Builders

Candidates should be able to demonstrate a sufficient level of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills.

Enrol in an upcoming date


This is a Master Builders member-only course for $99 (Inc. GST). If you're eligible, find a date and location to enrol below. Need help? Give us a call on 1300 13 60 02.

Find dates & enrol

Terms & conditions

Please read Master Builders training and licensing policies and Student Handbook prior to enrolment.

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