Paying Your People

Avoiding the pitfalls

Exclusive to Master Builders' members who wish to do a refresher on their obligations under the Modern Award and Fair Work Act 2009 in relation to wages, entitlements and what can often be complicated conditions of employment.

This training workshop is for employers and their HR representatives and is a livestream interactive online course.

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Why enrol?

Employers have an onus to prove they are paying employees the correct award and conditions. Ignorance is not a defence. Award breach can lead to civil penalties and wages recovery.

Course outline

During the course you will work through real life examples and have an opportunity to learn from the experience of others. Templates and best practice performance management guides and resources will be available to all attendees. The session will predominantly focus on:

Paying Your People - Avoiding the Pitfalls:

  • The National Employment Standards
  • The Building and Construction General On-Site Award 2010
  • The Clerks Private Sector Award 2010 

In addition, attendees will learn how to calculate and draft Individual Flexibility Agreements that will allow you to pay flat hourly rates to your workers. You will also receive template contracts, a copy of relevant wage circulars and ongoing support from the Master Builders' Workplace Relations Team.

Course details

This course is made available exclusively to Master Builders members and their employees.

DurationThree hours
DeliveryLivestream online interactive workshop
CostMembers: $99 (includes GST)
OutcomeThis is not a Nationally Recognised Training course.
You will receive a Statement of Completion.
Eligibility Candidates should be able to demonstrate a sufficient level of language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills. All participants must also be members, or employees of members of Master Builders.


Find a date and location to enrol below. Need help? Give us a call on 1300 13 60 02.

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Terms & conditions

Please read Master Builders training and licensing policies and Student Handbook prior to enrolment.

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