Silica Awareness

Silica dust – meeting your legal obligations?

Employers, did you know stronger regulation on processing crystalline silica substances (CSS) came into effect on 1 September 2024, mandating that persons conducting business or undertaking (PCBUs) provide crystalline silica training to their workers?

Our Silica Awareness course meets the Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) criteria for approved training, so you can be sure you’re meeting your legal responsibility to train your workers about silica awareness.

This course has been designed to provide all construction workers, including supervisors and managers, with information on working with CSS risks, identifying possible hazards and appropriate controls needed to mitigate and manage the risks.

This course helps you to understand and implement the Managing respirable crystalline silica dust exposure in construction and manufacturing of construction elements Code of Practice 2022.

For funding information, see Course Details below or contact us (eligibility applies).

Phone 1300 13 60 02 Enquire now

Why enrol?

Our Silica Awareness course, with practical demonstrations, will get you up to speed on must-know health and safety information to ensure you and your team are protected.

Stronger regulation on processing crystalline silica substances came into effect on 1 September 2024, mandating that PCBUs provide crystalline silica training to their workers.

Silica can be found in many common construction products. Exposure can result in severe medical conditions such as lung cancer, Silicosis, kidney disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

If you or your employees are working with concrete, tiles, block, stone, engineered stone or any materials that potentially expose them to respirable crystalline silica - this silica awareness training course is for you and your team.

We offer this course livestream, or for groups of 10 or more we can potentially offer a private face-to-face course for your business within South East Queensland.

Course outline

Our Silica Awareness course covers:

  • Health risks associated with respirable crystalline silica (RCS)
  • Determine crystalline silica content
  • Meaning of CSS processing under Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Reg) S529A
  • How RCS is generated during possessing, worker exposure and workplace exposure standard (WES)
  • Processing controls under WHS Reg S529B
  • How to use and work with the controls WHS Reg S529(b)
  • Types of respiratory protective equipment (RPE)
  • How to determine if the RPE is compliant
  • Fit-checking, fit-testing and facial-hair
  • General housekeeping and cleaning methods
  • WHS Regulation requirements under WHS Reg 529CB

Enrol in an upcoming date

Choose a date and venue that suits you by choosing whether you're eligible for a funded option or members can take advantage of our member price. Not sure which to choose or no dates that suit? Give us a call on 1300 13 60 02 for assistance or to register your interest for the next course date in your area.

Funded: member

The member funded price is $68 (Inc. GST)^. If you are a Master Builders member and eligible for funding, find a date below to enrol. Check if you're eligible for funding, or call us on 1300 13 60 02.
^CSQ funds to a maximum of $152 for this course  (subject to funding availability and eligibility criteria).

Find face-to-face dates & enrol Find livestream dates & enrol

Funded: non-member

The non-member funded price is $98 (Inc. GST)^. If you are not a Master Builders member but are eligible for funding, find a date below to enrol. Check to see if you're eligible for funding, or call us on 1300 13 60 02.
^CSQ funds to a maximum of $152 for this course  (subject to funding availability and eligibility criteria).

Find face-to-face dates & enrol Find livestream dates & enrol

Non-funded: member

The member full price is $220 (Inc. GST). If you are a Master Builders member but not eligible for funding, find a date below to enrol. Check to see if you're eligible for funding, or call us on 1300 13 60 02.

Find face-to-face dates & enrol Find livestream dates & enrol

Non-funded: non-member

The non-member full price is $250 (Inc. GST). If you are not a Master Builders member and not eligible for funding, find a date below to enrol. Check to see if you're eligible for funding, or call us on 1300 13 60 02.

Find face-to-face dates & enrol Find livestream dates & enrol

Course details

DurationThree hours
  • Face-to-face or livestream workshops


Full course price:

  • Member: $220 (Inc. GST)
  • Non-member: $250 (Inc. GST)

Funded course price:

  • Member: $68 (Inc. GST)^
  • Non-member: $98 (Inc. GST)^

CSQ provides funding to reduce the financial obstacle to training, making upskilling an affordable option for many more individuals in the construction industry. ^CSQ funds to a maximum of $152 for this course (subject to funding availability and eligibility criteria). Call 1300 136 002 to check your eligibility and to enrol.


This is not a Nationally Recognised Training course. You will receive a Statement of Completion.

Terms & conditions

Please read Master Builders training and licensing policies and Student Handbook prior to enrolment.

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