Flood and disaster guidelines available

We've pulled together all the information you need to commence repair and rebuilding work in the face of the recent severe weather and flooding events in Queensland.

3 January 2024

2023 Committees wrap up

2023 has been another packed year for our Policy Committees, Divisions and Subcommittees. Member representatives on these committees were elected at the end of 2022 for a three year term.

15 December 2023

Engineered stone ban

Commonwealth, State and Territory Work Health and Safety (WHS) Ministers have agreed to a national ban on engineered stone as of 1 July 2024.

14 December 2023

Increase to the First Home Owner Grant welcomed

The Queensland Government recently announced the doubling of the First Home Owner Grant – increasing the grant from $15,000 to $30,000 for eligible first home buyers effective from Monday, 20 November.

20 November 2023

Get construction talking with Procore

As part of October’s National Safe Work Month, a global campaign and fundraising quest has launched to raise awareness about, and help prevent, mental health issues and suicide in the construction sector.

28 September 2023

WHS incident involving Ullrich 1.5 m aluminium 'Z' stair module

Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ) have advised Master Builders of a recent incident involving an Ullrich 1.5 m aluminium 'Z' stair module.

28 September 2023

Delay to the start of energy efficiency rules and QLD changes to NCC 2022

Change to NCC start dateThe Queensland government announced today that new energy efficiency (7 star and whole-of-home) provisions of the National Construction Code (NCC) 2022 will be delayed and will commence in Queensland on 1 May 2024. Master Builders called for a delay due to the lack of availability of software tools needed to implement the changes.However, livable (accessible) housing, condensation and EV charging provisions are still commencing 1 October 2023.

19 September 2023

QBCC annual reporting lodgements now open for due date 31 Dec 23

The myQBCC portal is now open to lodge Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) annual reporting submissions for licence categories 1 to 7, using the financial information for the financial year end 30 June 2023.

8 September 2023

Current state of play for NCC 2022

You may have recently heard or read about a delay to the implementation of the NCC 2022 changes in the media, and as part of your efforts to comply with the changes, you need to be sure you have the right information.

24 July 2023

New guideline for applying Section 37 of The Building Act 1975

The Queensland Government's Department of Energy and Public Works has released a guideline to support the transition of amended building requirements when applying section 37 of the Building Act 1975 (the BA).

20 July 2023

Major Sponsors