COVID-19 update: 11 August 2021

The latest lockdown for Cairns and Yarrabah ends at 4pm today, but restrictions remain in place. Read all you need to know about the impact on the building and construction industry.

11 August 2021

COVID-19 update: 10 August 2021

Update on NSW border crossing + entry declarations

10 August 2021

COVID-19 update: 9 August 2021

Cairns and Yarrabah lockdown: update on mask requirements + some restrictions to construction.

9 August 2021

COVID-19 update: 8 August 2021

The latest lockdown for south east Queensland ends at 4pm today, but restrictions remain in place. Cairns and Yarrabah will enter a three-day lockdown from 4pm today. Read all you need to know about the impact on the building and construction industry.

8 August 2021

COVID-19 update: 6 August 2021

New essential worker statement template + how to deal contractually with delays + our most commonly asked questions.

6 August 2021

COVID-19 update: 5 August 2021

Police enforcing construction site compliance + restrictions increased on essential construction work allowed + mask compliance

5 August 2021

COVID-19 update: 4 August 2021

Mask up + Brisbane EKKA public holiday rescheduled + NSW border clarification

4 August 2021

COVID-19 update: 3 August 2021

Building and construction can continue at this time.

3 August 2021

COVID-19 update: 2 August 2021

SEQ lockdown extended, the most commonly asked questions about the latest south-east Queensland lockdown, including wearing of masks and what building work can go ahead, plus NSW border closes to Queensland close contact venues and the support that is available.

2 August 2021

COVID-19 update: 31 July 2021

South-east Queensland in lockdown again. Here are all the details you need on how it impacts the building and construction industry

1 August 2021

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