COVID-19 update - 9 April 2020

Your latest regular update. We'll continue to bring you the information you need, as it's available. Today we have more details available on the JobKeeper Payment, additional safety resources, your questions about working over Easter answered, and register for our next Business Endurance webinars ...

9 April 2020

COVID-19 update - 6 April 2020

Your latest regular update. We'll continue to bring you the information you need, as it's available. Today, we look at COVID-19 resources now available in eDocs, how to handle travel in work vehicles, our campaign to promote builders, how WHSQ is responding to the crisis and tradies open for business, Urban Utilities update and our new Business Endurance webinars ...

6 April 2020

COVID-19 update - 3 April 2020

Your latest regular update. Clarity on the 2-person rules in homes and private properties, JobKeeper Payment traps to look out for, free childcare for workers, members doing the right thing on site and our new Business Endurance webinars ...We’ve been updating you daily as new information comes to light. We’ll continue to update you as and when new information is available.

3 April 2020

COVID-19 update - 2 April 2020

Your latest regular update. JobKeeper Payment eligibility, Business Endurance webinar covering cashflow, cost control and government assistance, a national campaign to keep the building industry working, 2-person rule, plus relief for Group Training Organisations (GTOs) and apprentices...

2 April 2020

COVID-19 update - 1 April 2020

Your latest regular update. More resources for builders and tradies, our new Business Endurance webinar series and portable long service leave...

1 April 2020

COVID-19 update - 31 March 2020

Your latest regular update. JobKeeper Payment announced, apply for temporary changes to work hours to assist with social distancing, ensure your insurance covers site shutdown and more.

31 March 2020

COVID-19 update - 30 March 2020

Your latest regular update. New social distancing and hygiene resources are now available for use on sites and to keep workers safe.

30 March 2020

COVID-19 update - 27 March 2020

Your latest regular update. Construction remains an essential service and open for business. There are a few important updates today you need to know about.

27 March 2020

COVID-19 update - 26 March 2020

No big changes have been announced in the last 24 hours impacting the construction industry. Construction remains an essential service and open for business.

26 March 2020

COVID-19 update - 25 March 2020

Government advice as of today is that building and construction remains an essential service and is open for business.

25 March 2020

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