What you need to know about QLeave

4 November 2020

QLeave helps building and construction workers in Queensland get the long service leave they’ve earned.

As long as a worker is performing eligible work, they can change employers or work interstate without losing the long service leave days they’ve already accrued. Then, once they have 10 years of service recorded with the scheme, they can take a well-earned break by claiming their paid long service leave from QLeave.

The scheme is funded by a levy on the total cost of all building and construction work in Queensland costing $150,000 (excluding GST) or more to complete. See more information about levy payment.

What do you need to do?

If you employ building and construction workers in Queensland, you need to make sure you’re registered with QLeave and completing a worker service return by 31 July each year. When completing the return you need to give details about who worked for you during the financial year and the days they worked.

This service is added to each worker’s QLeave membership and counts towards their overall long service leave benefit. Workers can easily see how close they are to taking a break by checking their service record online at any time.

What are the benefits?

It’s free for workers and employers to be registered with QLeave. By meeting your employer obligations you’ll help your workers get the long service leave they’ve earned.

If you pay long service leave to a worker who has been with you for 10 or more years, you may be able to claim reimbursement from QLeave for some, or all, of the payment.

Are any of your workers experiencing financial hardship due to COVID-19?

Workers who are experiencing financial hardship, as a result of COVID-19, may be able to access their long service leave entitlements early by applying for a financial hardship payment from QLeave. These payments are only available until 31 December 2020.

To qualify, workers need at least five years of service recorded with QLeave and must meet the criteria outlined on QLeave’s website.

Looking for more information?

Find out more about QLeave, how the scheme works and your obligations. If you have any questions contact 1300 QLEAVE or email members@qleave.qld.gov.au.

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