COVID-19 update: Measures effective from 17 December 2021

16 December 2021

From 17 December 2021 some premises will only allow fully vaccinated persons in their venues. If you are working at one of these you and your workers undertaking that work will likely need to be vaccinated.

From 17 December 2021, restrictions on certain businesses will be relaxed more than they have been throughout the pandemic so far. Many businesses and venues will be able to return to operating at full capacity but are limited by only allowing fully vaccinated people in their venues. These businesses include:

  • Hospitality venues such as pubs, clubs, taverns, bars, restaurants, cafes, and fast food outlets
  • Indoor entertainment venues such as nightclubs, live music venues, karaoke, bars, concerts, theatres, cinemas, casinos
  • Outdoor entertainment activities such as sporting stadiums, or theme parks
  • Indoor and outdoor festivals, and
  • Queensland government galleries, museums, or libraries.

If you are working on a project or projects at one of these businesses that are still operating while you work, you and your staff will likely need to be vaccinated. This depends on the requirements of this location, and the work being done.

You should consult with the client or business operator to ensure you meet the requirements of their premises before starting work.

Working in high risk settings

Workers in some industries and high-risk settings must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

From 15 December 2021, this will include workers who enter healthcare settings, such as:

  • Public hospitals
  • Private hospitals
  • Residential aged care facilities
  • Shared disability accommodation services
  • Aged care services
  • General practitioner offices
  • Pharmacies
  • Optometrists
  • Dental surgeries
  • Community health clinics, and
  • Blood collection centres.

Workers entering education, correctional, and airport settings will also need to have received one dose of the vaccine by 17 December 2021.

From 11.59 pm 23 January 2022 this will also include:

  • Workers entering education settings, including:
    • Schools
    • Kindergartens, and
    • Childcare centres.
  • Workers entering correctional and detention facilities, including:
    • Prisons
    • Youth detention centres
  • Workers entering airports.

The direction specifies that workers at these settings include construction and maintenance workers. This means that if you are doing construction or maintenance work at one of these locations, all workers must be vaccinated. The only exceptions are:

  • The person has a medical contraindication
  • Is participating in a clinical trial
  • Is away from the occupied part of the high-risk setting, and has separate access (i.e. Separate construction site, with separate access and no interaction, physically separated from the people using the setting), and
  • Works when the location is not being used by people or workers (e.g. construction at a school during school holidays).

If your business has been hired to work in that part of these locations that are still being used, those workers must follow COVID-19 vaccination requirements.

You should speak with your client or the location operator to make sure you are meeting requirements before starting work.

Vaccination status when doing work for a homeowner

There are no specific government mandates regarding vaccination when doing construction or maintenance work in a person's home.

Vaccination status should be talked about early, before entering into contracts and starting work. You can choose who you work for, and just as clients can choose who they want to complete their work.

We are still open for business and are here to answer any questions you might have. Feel free to call us on 1300 30 50 10.

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