COVID-19 update - 4 June 2020

4 June 2020

Your latest regular update. We'll continue to bring you the information you need, as it's available. In breaking news, the federal government has announced the $25,000 HomeBuilder grant. We outline the main elements of the package and address some common FAQs below. We'll also cover the cyclone resilience program, waste levy deferral due to COVID-19 and the new 20-person rule.

This COVID-19 member update is unlocked and free to all in the interests of the building and construction industry. Did you know members have exclusive access to information and our team of experts who are on hand to assist in a range of ways? Need more specific COVID-19 advice relating to contracts, WHS, employment conditions or the relief measures? Members can contact us or learn how to join so you can speak with our experts and get free advice.

*Due to the changing nature of COVID-19, this information may no longer be correct. Please check state and federal government information for up-to-date guidance.

HomeBuilder grant has landed

The federal government has announced today the $25,000 HomeBuilder grant, which will be a lifeline for our industry.

Eligible owner-occupiers will be able to access a grant of $25,000 to build a new home (up to $750,000) or substantially renovate an existing home (contract between $150,000-$750,000).

In addition to this, first home buyers in Queensland will still be able to access the existing $15,000 First Home Owners' Grant – giving them a $40,000 total package.

Eligibility will be means-tested and building contracts must be signed between 4 June 2020 and 31 December 2020. Construction must commence within three months of the contract date.

How to apply?

Information regarding how homeowners can apply for the grant is yet to be released – however, it has been confirmed the Queensland Government will be administering the program.

Reno rescue – applications now open for cyclone resilience

Applications are now open for cyclone resilience upgrades to homes north of Bundaberg. Eligible households in cyclone-prone areas may be eligible for assistance to increase the cyclone-resilience of their home.

Homeowners north of Bundaberg with a home built prior to 1984 can check their eligibility now.

Waste levy deferred for six months

To assist businesses in dealing with the financial impacts of COVID-19, the Queensland Government will defer the increase of waste levy rates originally scheduled to take effect from 1 July 2020.

A six month deferral to 1 January 2021 has been approved.

This means the levy will stay at $75 per tonne for general waste, and $105 and $155 per tonne for hazardous (regulated) wastes until 31 December 2020.

For further information about the waste levy, please visit the Queensland Government website.

QLeave financial support for industry workers affected by COVID-19

Queensland Parliament has passed temporary amendments to the Building and Construction Industry (Portable Long Service Leave) Act 1991 to allow workers experiencing financial hardship, as a result of COVID-19, early access to their long service leave entitlements.

Workers who are registered with QLeave and have recorded at least five years of industry service can apply for payment of all, or part, of their long service leave entitlement.

These payments will only be available until 31 December 2020 and workers will need to meet the criteria to access a financial hardship payment.

Workers need to complete the COVID-19 Financial hardship claim.

New gathering rules

The latest announcement regarding gatherings and relaxation of rules is good news for building. Up to 20 people are now allowed in our display homes. It's important to note that social distancing must still be observed in homes and on construction sites.

Now we need Annastacia Palaszczuk MP to make a decision on the new homeowners' grant and come up with a solution to better allow for extended working hours for building sites. We need to keep construction moving and our economic recovery on track.


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