COVID-19 update: 15 August 2021

15 August 2021

With all of NSW now in lockdown (including the border zone), requirements for crossing the Qld/NSW border for work have changed and the types of work permitted to cross the border are now restricted for all areas.

UPDATE 16 August 2021: The Queensland Government announced that from Friday, 20 August 2021, all essential workers crossing the border must have at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccination. More information to come.

Essential work can continue

You are permitted to only travel for essential/critical work, which includes work that is urgently required:

  • For safety reasons
  • For emergency repairs
  • That is necessary to maintain essential services and supplies to the community, or part of the community.

It includes work performed by a tradesperson or construction worker for essential or emergency construction or repairs only.

It excludes work performed by commercial construction workers on non-critical projects.

What does critical or essential mean?

These definitions are open to interpretation, and we’ve already fielded a lot of calls regarding what work is deemed essential/critical.

As a business, you’ll need to make the decision on how essential or critical the work you are performing is and if this can be demonstrated adequately to authorities at the border.
The risk? If it’s not deemed essential, you/your workers may be required to enter mandatory quarantine.

Don’t leave the border zone

It’s also important to note that you cannot leave the border zone. If you do (or are found to do so), or if you’re not travelling for an essential purpose, you may be required to return to Queensland via air (not by road) and perform mandatory 14-day quarantine on your return to Queensland.

What documentation do I need?

If you are travelling for these essential work purposes, you can continue to cross the border into the NSW border zone only. You must have evidence of your reason for travel – a letter from your employer or similar documentation.

On your return to Queensland, you must follow the NSW stay at home restrictions – including wearing a mask and only leaving home for essential reasons. These same rules apply to NSW residents travelling into Queensland to perform essential work.

Text message from Queensland Health

We have received reports from many workers who have completed a Queensland Entry Declaration (for Border Zone Travel) that they have received a text message from Queensland Health advising them that if they’ve visited one of the LGAs (places of concern) they must now quarantine for 14 days.

This message has created a lot of confusion as it contradicts other information available. We understand that the reference to ‘quarantine’ in this instance is different to the normal definition of ‘home quarantine’. Instead, it means that when you return to Queensland you must follow the directive and stay at home, except for a number of reasons, including performing essential work.

Read more about the updates on the Queensland Government website or read the places of concern directive.

Queensland entry pass

In order to enter Queensland, you must complete a Queensland entry pass (this includes Queensland residents).

NSW entry declaration

If travelling to the border zone for construction work, you’ll need to complete the NSW entry declaration within 24 hours of entry, each time you enter NSW, but not more than once every 72 hours (3 days).

More information including the information you need to provide is available on the NSW Government website.


Q: What is considered essential construction work?
A: The Queensland Government has provided a definition in their FAQs; however, it is open to interpretation and individual businesses must make a decision for themselves on how essential or critical the work is and if this can be demonstrated to authorities at the border. The risk if it’s not deemed essential is that you/your workers will be required to enter mandatory quarantine.

Q: I live in Queensland, can I still travel to the Tweed for construction work?
A: Yes, but only if it fits the definition of essential/critical and you’ll need to carry documentation to demonstrate this. You shouldn’t leave the border zone and you’ll need to follow the NSW stay at home restrictions while you are there and when you return home.

Q: If I live in the Tweed, can I still come to Queensland for construction work?
A: Yes, but only if you haven’t been outside the border zone in NSW and if the work fits the definition of essential/critical and you’ll need to carry documentation to demonstrate this. You’ll need to follow the NSW stay at home restrictions while you are there and when you return home.

Q: If I’ve been in one of the LGAs but not for work, can I enter Queensland?
A: You’ll need a permitted reason to return to Queensland and you may be required to enter 14-day mandatory quarantine.

Read more FAQs on the Queensland Government website.

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