29 June 2023
The Fair Work Commission Minimum Wages Panel awarded an increase of 5.75 per cent taking the National Minimum wage (NMW) to $882.80 per week or $23.23 per hour.
The Panel also decided to ‘de-couple’ the NMW from the C14 award classification and align it to the C13 instead, meaning minimum wages will increase overall by 8.3 per cent. This higher increase only applies to those not covered by modern awards.
The Panel increased modern award minimum wages by 5.75 per cent per cent.
In addition to the increase in the NMW and award wages, there’s an increase in the minimum superannuation guarantee contribution to 11 per cent.
Most allowances increased on 1 July 2023.
Allowances will also increase in line with the relevant consumer price index categories. New allowance rates are shown in our updated wage circulars.
Master Builders has produced handy wage circulars exclusively for members, which summarise important payment information contained within each Award. Our member-exclusive 2023 wage circulars are now available, please note to download these you must be logged in.
Circulars include a variety of Awards including building cadets’ salary guide, gardening and landscaping services, mobile crane, joinery and building trades and plumbing apprentices, covering full time, part time and casual work.
Reminder: super contributions increasing
Compulsory superannuation contributions will increase from the current 10.5 per cent to 11 per cent from 1 July 2023. The rate will continue to increase by 0.5 per cent every year until it reaches 12 per cent, from 1 July 2025.